The Course at a Glance

Onsite Learning

Campus: Taronga Road Mosque (Masjied Ghiedmatiel Islamia)

95 Taronga Road, Crawford Cape Town, 7770

(Female Section Upstairs)

Please Note: Online learning may supplement onsite learning in the event of unforeseen disruptions to onsite learning.


Online Learning

Online Learning LIVE via Zoom. Access to all lesson video recordings and course material.

Please Note: Online students are welcome to attend lessons onsite on an ad-hoc basis, granted there is sufficient space available to accommodate the student, as permitted by our Administrators.


Days & Times

Monday – Thursday: 8:15am – 12:55pm
Friday: 8:15am – 11:00am

2025 Terms

As per the 2025 National School Calendar:

Term 1: 15 Jan – 28 Mar
Term 2: 08 Apr – 27 Jun
Term 3: 22 Jul – 03 Oct
Term 4: 13 Oct – 10 Dec

Please Note: We reserve the right to amend term dates pending unforeseen interruptions or Islamic Holidays.

2025 Important Dates

Book Collection: Monday 13 & Tuesday 14 January 2025
Formal Orientation Day: Wednesday 15 + Thursday  16 January 2025
Classes Commence:  Monday 20 January 2025
Financial Aid Deadline: Friday 30 January 2025

As per the 2024 National School Calendar:

Financial Aid Deadline: Thursday 30 January 2025

Online applications only. No walk-in registrations allowed.


Additional Services

We offer several additional services throughout the year that are aimed at supporting the student’s needs, such as:

  • a counselling service
  • academic support
  • workshops
  • team building sessions and social events with teachers and fellow students

Course Pre-Requisites

  • A basic ability to read Arabic text (Qur’an or Surah). Please note that this is not a Qur’an reading, Hifth or Tajwīd course. Students will never be asked to recite in class.
  • A Gmail email account (If needed, please create an account by clicking here).
  • A mobile phone with a WhatsApp number.
  • A commitment to set aside at least 1-2 hours a day to revise the work covered in class and to try to attend all or most classes.
  • A positive mindset and strong desire to learn the meaning of the Qur’an. Many students from varying ages, backgrounds and ability have walked this road and succeeded!


Onsite Learning:

  • Access to reliable Internet or mobile data to access supplementary learning material.
  • Online Learning may supplement Onsite Learning in the event of any unforeseen circumstances. Onsite students are advised to prepare for this potentiality. In this event, the below online learning pre-requisites will be applicable.


Online Learning:

  • Access to a device such as a laptop, desktop computer, mobile phone or tablet.
  • Access to reliable Internet or mobile data to access daily Zoom lessons, video recordings and supporting course materials.
  • A quiet workspace with a desk/table and a chair.
  • Headphones/ earphones (optional).
  • A commitment to submit all completed tests and assignments within the stipulated timeframes.
  • A personal responsibility towards keeping up with the course pace by either attending the LIVE Zoom lessons where possible or watching the available video recordings.



Nahw: An introductory study of core Arabic grammar concepts
Sarf: An introductory study of the Arabic morphology of the verb
Reader: One basic Arabic reader
Qur’an: Full Qur’an coverage with selected commentary and explanation
Basic Fiqh: Essentials of purification (Taharah) and prayer (Salah)
Personal and Spiritual Development: Daily advice on living Islam

Detailed Course Information

The course is based on a tried and tested methodology that has seen over 2000 students participate (full-time and part-time) with the ability to understand large portions of the Qur’an. These students have been from diverse backgrounds and ages – ranging from teens to grandparents.

Nahw 1: Introductory Study of Core Arabic Grammar Concepts

Creating Arabic proficiency by navigating the basics in Arabic through:

  • Translation of basic Arabic Readers
  • Word Analysis
  • Building Pertinent Vocabulary

Nahw 2: Foundations in Arabic Grammar

Word Analysis, Sentences, common Arabic Fragments:

  • Identifying nouns
  • Understanding the root-letter concept
  • Nominal and Verbal sentences
  • Compound phrases
  • Pronouns and Demonstratives

Nahw 3: Secondary Concepts in Arabic Grammar

Focus on Grammatical Analysis of Text:

  • Identifying conditions of nouns
  • Knowing the causes and signs of the states of nouns
  • Consulting Arabic I’rab text as a continuous reference resource for students

Sarf 1: Foundations of Morphology

Six foundational Verb Scales & Root Letter Analysis:

  • Basic tri-lateral verb study  
  • Verb pre-fixes

Sarf 2: Intermediate Morphology

Introduction to Advanced Verb Scales (al-Mazīd Fīhi)

  • Tri-lateral verb with additional letters
  • 9 scales

Sarf 3: Study of the Weak Lettered Verb

Study of the Weak-Lettered Verb:

  • Introduction to verbs with weak root letters in the 3 different root letter positions
  • Verbs with more than one weak root letter
  • 10 scales

Qur'an Study

A study of the entire Qur’an is undertaken, incorporating:

  • Linguistic analysis, including a practical application of the Nahw & Sarf concepts learnt
  • Translation and basic Tafsīr (explanation and commentary) of chapters with a more detailed Tafsīr of selected chapters
  • Contextualisation of the key messages and profound insights from the Noble Book

Arabic Reader

A Grammar and Morphology reader aimed at improving fluency, building vocabulary and establishing Arabic sentence patterns:

  • Man Kasaral Asnama (Who broke the Idols?)

Fiqh 1: Basics of Purification

An overview of the essentials of purification and salāh, including the integrals, supplications and practical application.

Personal & Spiritual Development

Workshops to improve study skills and enhance one’s spiritual preparation for studying the Qur’an.

Additional Services

We strive to meet the diverse needs of our students with a range of additional support services:

On-site Counselling

Student support is offered in the form of on-site private counselling sessions with qualified counsellors for students who experience difficulties – including those arising from personal circumstances, which adversely affects their personal progress and learning experience.


Workshops are arranged to complement the learning modules in the existing curriculum, offering a practical component aimed at promoting personal development.

Teambuilding & Social Events

School functions, team building sessions and social events are conducted throughout the year, integrated into the course curriculum, from the Zahraa Alumni Network and in collaboration with other institutions.

These are aimed at providing a space for healthy socialisation as well as to encourage active and engaged citizenship.

Course Fees

Important Course Fee Info:

Course fees contribute towards the financial sustainability of the institute and assist with delivering a high-quality learning experience. Catering to the individual financial circumstances of our students, we offer course fee payment options as well as financial assistance for eligible students.

  • Annual Course Fees: R13000 per student
  • Financial Aid: For eligible students who reside in South Africa, financial assistance is available for full or partial cover of course fees, inshaAllah. Please apply for Financial Aid here.
  • Full-year course charged as a yearly fee: The course runs from January to December and students are required to please pay fees according to the payment option chosen. Fees are due irrespective of number of sessions attended that month/quarter.
Payment Options

Students may choose from one of three course fee payment options:

  • Three payment options are available: Monthly (Jan – Oct), Quarterly or once-off Annual. Quarterly and Annual payments are preferred to ease the administration.
  • Monthly course fee payments: This payment option extends over a period of 10 months i.e. from Jan – Oct and is due by the 20th of each month.
  • Quarterly course fee payments: Fees are due in the first month of each quarter by the 20th of each month i.e. by the 20th of Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct.
  • Family discount: Applicable to those who have 2 or more family members from the same household attending the course.
  • Early bird discount: Applicable for a once-off annual payment of fees. This offer is applicable until 28 February 2024. Students who deregister during the year can request a pro-rata refund on annual payments.
  • Special Circumstances: In anomaly cases, whereby a student is no longer able to attend classes during the year, we request that they please formally notify us via email, so that we may deregister them from the course.
  • International students: Please contact us to confirm fees. Payment via PayPal.

Fees and Payment Options

 Per Student  2 Students from 1 Household
Non-refundable fee includes coursebooks, excluding Hans Wehr Arabic dictionary. R500 R1000
Jan – Oct paid over 10 months.

Due by the 20th of each month.

R1300 R2400
1st: Jan – Mar

Due by the 20th of Jan.

R3250 R6000
2nd: Apr – Jun

Due by the 20th of Apr.

R3250 R6000
3rd: Jul – Sept

Due by the 20th of Jul.

R3250 R6000
4th: Oct – Dec

Due by the 20th of Oct.

R3250 R6000
Once-off Annual:
Early Bird Discount valid until 28 Feb 2025 R11700 R21600

Payment Methods

Fees can be paid as a Bank EFT only. We request that students kindly refrain from making cash deposits into the bank account.

International payments via PayPal.


Banking Details

Account Name: Zahraa Institute NPC

Bank: First National Bank

Account Type: Cheque Account

Account No: 62329602206

Branch Code: 250 655


Please take note of the specific payment references for the registration and course fees:


Reference (Registration Fee):

Name + Surname + QF2025

e.g. Jane Doe QF2025

Please Note: NO NEED to send proof of payment or to follow-up with us regarding your payment – please patiently await our correspondence. If no correspondence is received 1 month AFTER you have made payment, then please notify us via email to query your application.


Reference (Course Fees):

Name + Surname 1st Yr

e.g. Jane Doe 1st Yr