Support Us!

and help to spread the light!
“Who is it that will loan Allah a goodly loan, so He may multiply it for him many times over?” [2:245]

Zahraa Institute (NPC 2016 /486383) is a registered non-profit organisation reliant on fees and sponsorship.

At Zahraa Institute, no student is turned away due to financial reasons.

We appeal to you to open your heart and earn equal reward of our needy students of Deen and dedicated staff. Your valued contribution will be used to ensure that we remain sustainable during the Lockdown period as we continue to strive to connect hearts to the Qur’an and realise our vision of nurturing the Light within every female and illuminating her path ahead..


Here’s how to show your support:

Support our students, institute operations, teachers & community development with your Sadaqah & Lillah.
Support our financially needy students who are eligible to benefit from your Zakah.


Make an EFT:

Account: Zahraa Institute NPC
Account Number: 62329602206
Bank: First National Bank
Branch Code: 250 655
Reference: Sadaqah / Lillah / Zakah


For  more information, please contact us on 076 638 5627 or
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Do not view any good act as insignificant, even the act of greeting your brother with a smile on your face.” [Sahih Muslim]

We appreciate any contribution or prayer you are able to afford us with. May Allah ﷻ abundantly reward you and increase your wealth manifold. May your support be a source of Sadaqatul Jariyah for you and weigh heavily upon your scales on the Day of Reckoning. Amīn.